I AM Small black seeds encased by a thin papery outer pod. I HAVE a strong unique flavour and am widely used in many cuisines from Indian curries to baked goods in nordic countries to Middle eastern sweet dishes and of course - in masala chai
What am I? Cardamom! (Did the title give that away?)
Did you know?
- Cardamon is the world's 3rd most expensive spice surpassed only by vanilla and saffron.
- There are 2 types of cardamom ;green cardamom - the more common variety; and brown cardamom, native to the himalayas and more smokey in aroma
- Once the seeds are exposed or ground they quickly loose their flavour so are best stored in their pod form
- Cardamom is a traditional ingredient of masala chai
- It's used in both sweet and savoury dishes
- In India they chew the pods after meals for fresh breath
- Cardamom is said to aid digestion and help reduce bloating
Read on for my version of Cardamom tea.
Happy sipping,
Mama Chai xx
Cardamom Tea - makes 2 cups
Drink after a meal to aid digestion

You will need:
- 2 cups of water
- Black tea leaves (1-2 teaspoons of loose leaf or 1-2 tea bags depending on the strength you would like the tea base)
- 1x green cardamom pod
- Milk
- Honey (or alternative sweetener to taste)
*Note Calmer Sutra’s Evermore makes a great neutral tea base in this recipe
- Bring 2 cups of water to the boil on the stovetop
- Using a mortar and pestle (or back of a spoon) open up the pod and remove the seeds. Crush the seeds to release the aroma
- Add the black tea leaves and the cardamom seeds to the pot and remove from heat.
- Add ½ teaspoon of honey or to taste
- Add the milk
- Allow to stand for 2 minutes
- Return to the heat and gently reheat but be careful not to boil now that the milk is in.
- Strain into a cup and drink your digestive woes away!